July 2013: Thanks to a grant acquired by Bucks County, the radio room at the EOC is being updated.
- Shared Astron RS-35M Power Supply
- Rigrunner 8012 (All radios are being converted to Powerpole connections)
- Kenwood TS-2000
- DX Challenger 80m-2m vertical antenna (not yet installed)
- Yaesu FT-8800 on Belden RG213: unshielded adaptor on floor causes static in the line
- Icom ID-1 1200MHz D-STAR Voice/Data transceiver (not currently connected)
- M2 23cm22ez beam antenna, 5'3" boom (not yet installed)
- Kenwood TM-271 on stiff cables - not programmed (not currently connected)
- Yaesu FT-290RII on shelf, for Winlink
- [From one of the county field kits] Kantronics KPC3+, for Winlink
- OAL 5L-70cm Yagi for ATV receive (not yet installed)
- 15" Cable ready TV for ATV receive
- Digital Prism 7" NTSC Portable Handheld LCD TV, for use either in the radio room or in the field. Not yet connected to an antenna.
- Windows 7 portable computer