Upcoming meetings:

If you have a specific topic you would like to present or discuss at a future meeting, please contact KB3GJT.

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Directions to the Bucks County EOC

Ben Wilson Senior Center
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Directions to Ben Wilson Senior Center

Meeting history:

2012 meeting history

January 2013's meeting focused on NTS, and the use and setup of the county field kits. We discovered a number of areas where we could contribute improvements.

The agenda for March 2013 had to be changed at the last minute due to the unavailability of the equipment under discussion. Instead, we discussed setting up an ad-hoc cross-band repeater with the Yaesu FT-8800 among other minor topics.

May 14, 2013: SEPA Task Force pelican cases (rescheduled from March).

July 9, 2013: Presentation from the Bucks County Health Department; N3RAY's ATV setup.

September 10, 2013: Briefing meeting for the Simulated Emergency Test.

January 14, 2014: Organizational meeting
- prioritization of purchasing for next grant
- discussion of leadership roles
- calendar review (should we change the schedule of meetings / nets / trainings?)

February 11, 2014: Icom ID-1 hands-on demonstration

March 11, 2014: D-RATS for emergency communications

April 23, 2014: Hospital emergency plans, with a live test of St. Mary's amateur equipment.

June 10, 2014: Mini Field Day. A pretty effective demonstration of using Buddy Poles and long coax to make HF contacts from the EOC.

September, 2014: N3RAY review of his solar power station.

November 18, 2014: Introduction to CERT. Meeting notes here.

January 13, 2015: Changes and responsibilities in the ARRL field organization. Powerpoint

March 10, 2015. Jason, N3RAY, presented the use of Outpost and Packet BBS. Powerpoint

October 24, 2017. Mike, KB3GJT, presented FEMA's IS-0951 Radio Communication Interoperability. Powerpoint